Ivana – So Sweet (Music Video)

(3 customer reviews)



Item Type: MP4 Format (Sound & Video)

Dimension: 1920 x 1080

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3 reviews for Ivana – So Sweet (Music Video)

    Danny Holt
    May 30, 2019
    So far this is my favorite song of Ivana's. Now I can have her sing it to me anytime I ask her too. Of course, she would have sang it for me even before I purchased this high quality music video file. Love Ya', Danny
    David Williams
    February 22, 2018
    A year and a half ago I wrote on Ivana's YouTube copy of this that: "Something hit me after 10 or 20 viewings when my eyes shut to the pictures and I realized what a steamy sound this has. d(-_-)b It's in that lowdown register, between a whisper and a purr, where those notes you strike send shivers down a man's spine. Git's keyboard, bass line, drums, guitar and saxophone bring on visions of a rainy city at night and flashing neon painting colours over your face, then I open up my eyes and no, it's actually bright daylight in a shot that sees your exquisite features melting into whiteness and a floor show featuring dance moves done like only your body can: precise and expressive, weird, wild, flexy and erotic. I can even see new editing rhythms here, in sync with the music, sometimes smooth and sometimes jagged, so you've pushed your art another step up here. All I know is that my mouth hangs open every time I watch it as I fall beneath Ivana's magic spell @_@ CaN't. StoP. wAtchiNg. O_O She answered: +videowilliams=)!!! ♫❥♫ Keep Looking LOL!!! :)♫❥♫ Much Love♥♥♥.Ivana
    Vesa Toukoluoto
    June 22, 2017
    Highly recommended. Lovely Ivana dancing smoothly and her choreography looks so attractive while her ballet outfit highlights every fine line of her. Perfect slow-moving song to this beautiful video. So amazing sweet.
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